By More Than Just Parks

6 Amazing Places to Visit In New York City

National Parks

African Burial Ground National Monument

According to the NPS, “African Burial Ground is the oldest and largest known excavated burial ground in North America for both free and enslaved Africans. It protects the historic role slavery played in building New York.”

Stonewall National Monument

Located in the popular West Village neighborhood in New York City, Stonewall National Monument celebrates the gay liberation & LGBT rights movements.

Governor's Island  National Monument

Just a short ferry ride away from the southern tip of Manhattan, Governor’s Island National Monument is a breath of fresh air in the dense concrete jungle of America’s largest city.

Castle Clinton National Monument

This fortress was America’s first immigration station (predating even Ellis Island), a popular aquarium, and at present a glorified ticket booth.

General Grant National Memorial

This largest mausoleum in North America serves as the final resting place of the general turned president, Ulysses S. Grant.

Federal  Hall National Memorial

This site was home to the first Congress, Supreme Court, executive branch offices, and where George Washington took the oath of office as America's first president. 

Ellis Island National Museum of Immigration

It has been estimated that close to 40 percent of all current U.S. citizens can trace at least one of their ancestors to Ellis Island

Statue of Liberty National Monument

The iconic Statue of Liberty has greeted visitors to New York's harbor since 1886. The statue is world renowned as a beacon of liberty.


For more amazing national parks destinations in New York City check out our guide below!